MARSGRAM FORM -You may not send: initial notices of death, profanity, military troop movement information, or other sensitive information. - All messaged must be in English. Messages to/from unauthorized users will be deleted without notice.
Step One: Please select to which state, country, or region your message will be sent. NOT LISTED Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas Bosnia California, Northern California, Southern Canal Zone Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Germany Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Italy Japan Kansas Kentucky Korea Kosovo, YUG Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Missouri Mississippi Minnesota Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina Ohio Okinawa Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island Saudi Arabia South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virgin Islands Virginia Washington (State) West Virginia Wisonsin Wyoming D.C. Step Two Step Three From Address To Address and *Phone Number
Step Four: Approximately 50 words
Step Five: *To (addressee) phone number not required, but will facilitate faster delivery. All domestic postage for MARS morale messages are paid for by the DoD.